Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Oh, what a void there is in things" a P.S.A.

Last week as I was waiting for my mammogram, I read an interview in some women's magazine...I don't even remember which one.....
But the article was an interview with a family of 3 who "manages to somehow live off a meager annual income of $60,000".
As I was reading their tips & advice and about all of the things they have had to sacrifice (manicures, gym memberships, take-out sushi lunches, vacations) I thought to myself:
What a bunch of jerks.
Since when is $60,000 a year for a family of 3 anywhere near poverty level?
It makes me feel a bit misanthropic to picture people crying over not being able to get a mani/pedi.
News flash:
If these are your problems, you've got it made and should probably try to spend your time focusing on all the amazing thing you do have, and let go of everything you don't.

I'm pretty sure nobody ever laid on their death-bed lamenting over the absence of an iPhone in their life.

This PSA was brought to you by the folks that brought you "Driving Rain: An Open Letter to Sacramento"


  1. wowza!!!
    so true.

    i love this post. love it to pieces.

  2. Wow! That is nuts! Once my boss was supposed to contribute to a cause we were raising money for (about 40$) and she told me she couldn't because their sailing bills had been too high that month (their combined income was about $200 000) meanwhile, my partner was laid off and we had about 40 000 between us and 2 mortgages so I definately agree - a lot of people have crazy ideas about how much money they need to be happy!

  3. How many times I have run into such people, and just shake my head and want to tell them "live a day in my shoes!" Currently we can again afford a few "luxuries" , but in most peoples eyes they would not even consider them such. It makes me very angry to read what is considered "poor" try living on half that or less and then come talk to me.


Tell me what you really think, but please be respectful about it.