Thursday, January 27, 2011

How it all began, and where it might go.....

When I started this blog a year ago, I had a mission and a plan.
It was all about getting healthy & staying that way. I talked a lot about what kinds of things we put in our bodies and how we feed our children.
I wanted to give easy, inexpensive tips and advice to people like me, people that have good intentions but have trouble following through. I was hoping this blog would be inspirational and empowering. I thought I could use my own life experiences to bring people together who were after the same thing as I was.
I just wanted to have (and help other people have) a healthy mind, body and soul.
I got a lot of amazing support and feedback from friends, family and complete strangers.
It felt great.
I was getting tons of emails and chat messages asking for my help.
I felt like I was doing something good, something right.
Then, during the Summer I had a falling out with some friends and went through a little bout of depression, directly followed by some real soul-searching.
I wrote a lot of intense posts.
I stopped exercising, and I ate my feelings.
I did a bunch of reflecting on the person I was in what I refer to as "my former life".
I thought about how I got to the point I was at presently, and then eventually, after I felt like I had exorcised the majority of my demons (publicly, no less), I began to look ahead.

hold the sun in your hands
I want to refocus on what I started out to do here, but with the realization that living a healthy life is NOT all about the body.
The body is just one small aspect of what makes a person a person.
I know how cliché it is, but I love the mantra of "Live your best life".
For me that means living a FULL life.
Going out of your way to find your happiness, because it doesn't always just exist in front of you.
Living the life you want your children to admire and respect.
A life of purpose and meaning.
Time spent getting to know the people and world that surrounds you.
Making discoveries and sharing them.
Finding the positive as often as you possibly can, for we all have a tendency toward melodrama (myself especially), and just vowing to do the best you can at any given moment.

That's what I want. What do you want?

1 comment:

  1. yes......I want more patience with others....and with myself!


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