Friday, May 28, 2010

Lunch Trays Are Not Just For School Anymore

Confession: I am a Thrift Store Addict.  You can find the coolest things at the lowest prices, all you have to do is look! I was lucky enough to find a set of 4 of these rad lunch trays for just $1.75. Bright red, heavy duty, good quality. I knew when I spotted them that they would be the perfect thing for my picky Aspie & my even pickier toddler. The two of them cannot stand having their foods touch on their plates, so obviously, I had to have these.  
Even if your kids are not as particular as mine are, you might consider picking some lunch trays up. Kids love having their meals served in non-traditional ways, whether it be a sandwich cut into the shape of a whale or snack served on a school lunch tray.  
Another really fun thing to do is to set up meal time as a buffet. All you have to do is provide the healthy options, then let your kids take their tray through the line, picking & choosing what they like.    
Kids are more apt to try the food that's good for them if they're given some of the decision making power.
It really only takes a tiny bit of effort to help set your family up to make a lifetime of good choices.
Make it fun, and they'll be receptive, I promise!

You can find these lunch trays at almost any restaurant supply store, and who knows, maybe you'll be lucky enough to find some in your local thrift store :)


  1. When Ana was little we used the lunch tray often...hope you don't get mad when I tell you I paid $1 for 2 at the Dollar Tree for min :) They are very handy for lunches/snacks :) - Laura Beth

  2. haha, no Laura, that's good to know. I'll have to check there. I was thinking these would be great for camping, too.

  3. Awesome find! Very cool. :0)

  4. love those! I want one (or 5)... might have to go search on eBay :)

  5. hi, (its me, lyric.)like your blog.

  6. Hi. (it's me Casey) I like you. =)


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